This time I designed the circuit board. Later on I will post pictures and the schematic.
Tom tested the hyper-terminal because it did not work last time with 2 example programs that where included in the EZ430-RF2500 experimental kit.
The first one was an UART echo with a baud-rate of 115200 and the second was an RX/TX UART with a baud-rate of 9600. This also failed with hyper terminal. After that he combined the 2 programs but it did not work. We asked the teacher for help he also did not see what was wrong, he said he would send us an example program. We are still waiting for that. So the biggest problem is that we can not test or simulate any program.
woensdag 19 mei 2010
project session 17/05/2010
Gepost door Tobias op 09:42
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